“Sustainable future is our destination”

Cruise lines are leading the way toward a more sustainable future, investing in innovative technologies aboard global fleets of cruise ships.


Cruise lines are realizing the benefits LNG now as a transitional fuel— which has virtually zero sulfur emissions, a 95% to 100% reduction in particulate emissions, an 85% reduction in NOx emissions, and up to a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions—and increasing the number of ships that are able to utilize LNG for primary propulsion.

Sustainable Marine Fuels and Propulsion

The cruise industry is at the forefront of exploring sustainable marine fuels, including biofuels and other advanced approaches such as biodiesel, methanol, ammonia, hydrogen, and electric batteries.

Hybrid Solutions

More than 15% of the new vessels to be launched in the next five years will be equipped to incorporate fuel cells or batteries, as part of a hybrid approach towards lowering the carbon footprint of the voyage.

Shoreside electricity

Cruise lines continue to make significant investments for cruise ships to connect to shoreside electricity—with the vast majority of new ships coming online between now and 2028 able to plug in to shoreside electricity.

98% of global capacity currently on order book through 2028 of the new build capacity is either committed to be fitted with shore-side electricity systems or will be configured to add shore-side power in the future.

Where can cruise ships connect?

Currently, 29 ports worldwide have at least one cruise berth equipped with onshore power—representing less than 2% of the world’s ports where that capability is provided in at least one cruise berth in the port.

Supporting these environmental technologies are a sea of supporting innovations
and practices that are helping the cruise industry sail to a greener future:

  • Exhaust gas cleaning systems that improve air quality at sea and in port
  • Air lubrication systems for ship hulls to reduce drag and fuel consumption for greater efficiency
  • Energy-efficient engines that consume less fuel and reduce emissions.
  • Advanced recycling systems and practices that allows some ships to recycle 100% of waste
  • Special paint coatings for ship hulls that reduce fuel consumption by up to 5%
  • Installation of tinted windows, higher efficiency appliances and HVAC systems and windows that capture and recycle heat
  • LED lighting – lasts 25 times longer and uses 80% less energy
  • Advanced wastewater purification systems